Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 7 - Internet and WWW

How Internet Infrastructure Works

I like this site and think it provides pretty clear instructions of ... uh ... how stuff works. This is no exception and serves as a good primer for learning about internet structure. My question here in thinking about the "networks of networks" is the size of one of the big ISPs (Time Warner, AT&T, etc.) and how they are divided. Are there regional networks inside their national networks? I guess so, since when things go down, it isn't a nation-wide crisis, but would like to see how this breaks down nonetheless. Another observation here is direct fiber optic connections to the home/business and how long before that infrastructure is built up. Even in rural southwest Ohio, a company I used to work for could access a small fiber optic network via receiving a beam from the provider, but it wasn't a direct, hard, connection - and, accordingly had problems.

Andrew K. Pace. „Dismantling Integrated Library Systems“ Library Journal, vol 129 Issue 2, p34-36. 2/1/2004

It isn't too surprising to learn about the increase of third party software and add-ons to ILS development. Even in a profession as seemingly cohesive as the libraries, gradations of goals and profiles exist leaving each library in need of customized products, not just a one-stop-shop right out of a box. The trick is creating a market infrastructure to support this model.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page discuss Google back in 2004.

First, I'm wondering what has changed in the past 3-4 years at Google?
This video presentation is interesting in terms of getting a peek at how Google operates as a corporate structure and how immense it is. Most amusing is the simplicity of their search as evidenced by the example of the teenage blogger. Otherwise, I'm not sure how much I learned about how Google works in this presentation.


rjz said...

I am fascinated with Google. As much as I, like any good, young American liberal, despise big business, I keep routing for Google to champion web browsing. Maybe you didn't learn much about the operations of Google because, as we learned for LIS 2000, said beloved company is so secretive.

rjz said...

oops, I meant rooting. though maybe I could route for Google. what do you think that would involve? could i dress up?

Unknown said...

Clearly you're saying the LIS 2600 group should make a live-action video demonstrating how Google works - scored to "This is How We Do It." I am for this activity. You can be the Google Bot rjz.

Eurocastle Peanutter said...

1. Google is trying to take over the world. For reference, see: "Yes, Google is trying to take over the world."(

"Google is as much an ideology as a firm and can resemble a nation-state in its pursuit of power rather than a mere corporation chasing quarterly numbers." (says Wu).

Re: Your comments on How Internet Infrastructure Works and particularly this sentence: "This is no exception and serves as a good primer for learning about internet structure:" Do you say "prim-er" or "prime-er"?

Also, can we somehow incorporate Jing into a video about Google? I would like that very much. If it runs long I suggest we also use "No Diggity" on the soundtrack.

P.S. This comment is an experiment. Sorry about using you as a guinea pig.

Unknown said...

jenghola, welcome to the banal and witty world of comments. Some responses to your queries:
1. Thanks for reminding me of Google's intentions. I forgot that they are really Skynet in disguise. I just get irked by PR sometimes.
2. I'm glad someone finally brought the Wu to the LIS blogs.
3. My pronunciation of the word "primer" depends on depends on how much of an asshole I'm feeling like on a given day. It can go either way. Same applies for "schedule."
4. I simply don't have the budget to shoot Google and Jing at the same time. We'll see how Google sells in limited release. If it's good we'll open it wide and greenlight Jing as a companion piece. Clearly Blackstreet fits the soundscape we're building for this project and will create a mental and emotional link to the audience and increase audience identification when we use the song in our upcoming cross promotion with Burger King.
5. Congratulations, you have successfully entered into a dialogue with another blogger. Go get loaded.