Friday, September 5, 2008

Week 3 - Computer Software

Notes for this week's primary readings:

1) Linux History

This article elaborated on some basic Linux background, while simultaneously promoting the platform. For me, the most important aspect of this article is the importance of the user - in this case the user represented by the market. While I appreciate and get behind the ideals underpinning the Linux community, it will ultimately have to appeal to the desktop user. What will happen when a free software obtains a bigger portion of a commercial market?

2) Mac OS X

What I find most interesting about the History of Mac's OSes is how Apple has played with Unix platforms, Intel chips, and such. Though sexy, I am interested to see how much of the computer market Macs occupy ...

3) Windows

As a Windows user currently straddling the line between XP and Vista-64 (one on a desktop, the other on a laptop), I feel as though I understand and sympathize with the woes of transition. It's often a pain the ass to be frank. Yet, as I continue to hammer the point of market-value vs. technical value, I am curious as to how long Windows popularity will sustain? To use a car analogy (for better or worse), I think of this past quarter where Toyota finally outsold GM in the United States.

All for now ... please feel free to comment:

1 comment:

Amanda said...

In terms of Mac space in the OS Market:

Desktop OS market share
as of June, 2008
Windows - 90.89%
Mac - 7.94%
Linux - 0.80%
SunOS - 0.01%
Other - 0.36%

Even if Windows users are annoyed with the Vista transition, it's going to take a whole lot of 'em to turn things over to Mac.